Big steps in the Spearman household - Sylvan has begun to eat solid food! Suffice it to say he's not a foodie just yet. We've tried baby oatmeal, sweet potatoes, and bananas so far, and nothing seems quite to Sylvan's taste. We know in no time he will be craving all the yummy, flavorful things we like to eat, but until then we will keep trying the basics. We must say, he's so cute, even when he doesn't like something!
We are also grateful for the continuing flow of visitors to DC to see us and meet Sylvan. We recently had an almost complete Cook family reunion, with 2 of Courtney's 3 siblings and their families, plus mom, here in DC to hang out. It was a fun, chaotic time and Sylvan had a great time with his older cousins Will, Ben, and Elliot. He also slept more soundly than we've ever seen after everyone left. That visit was followed by friend Brenna from Denver, then Jim's parents up from Charlotte. And we are looking forward to another round of introductions in a few weeks when Jim's sister's family arrives for a visit.